Tag Archive for: winter paintball event

Snow Bowl – February 28th, 2016 – AFC v NFC – Football Themed Paintball Scenario Event

Snow Bowl Football Themed Winter Scenario Event

Yankee Paintball, Oxford Connecticut, February 28th, 2016.

Registration Link


I don’t know about the rest of the paintball community, but we here at Yankee Paintball are pretty big football fans. After the Super Bowl, the long sad wait for the next season begins.

Therefore, we chose to make our winter big game a football themed paintball scenario event. The game is scheduled for Sunday, February 28th, 2016.

Admission is $35 and paint prices will be our standard $60 for a case of Infinity and $70 for a case of Graffiti. Pre-registration will be available until February 15th. As always, pre-registered players will receive $5 off admission and $5 off per case of paintballs.

The teams will be AFC v. NFC

Football themed day long objective

Football themed missions

All-Star battles

Touchdown Dance Contest


Event Facebook Page